How Many Calories Does Kayaking Burn?





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Kayaking is not only a fun water sport but also a great way to stay fit and healthy. It is an excellent workout that can burn a significant amount of calories.

But how many calories does kayaking burn? This is a common question that many people ask, especially those who are looking to lose weight or improve their fitness level.

According to various sources, the number of calories burned while kayaking depends on several factors such as weight, speed, distance, and difficulty of terrain.

For instance, a person weighing 200 pounds can burn up to 477 calories per hour of kayaking with moderate effort.

On the other hand, a person weighing 150 pounds can burn around 358 calories per hour of kayaking with the same level of effort. The more intense the activity, the more calories burned.

In this article, we will explore the topic of how many calories does kayaking burn in detail.

We will look at the factors that affect calorie burn, the average number of calories burned per hour, and tips on how to maximize calorie burn while kayaking.

Whether you are a seasoned kayaker or a beginner, this article will provide you with the information you need to make the most out of your kayaking workout.

Understanding Calories Burned

Kayaking is a fun and enjoyable way to spend time outdoors, but did you know that it can also be a great way to burn calories?

Understanding how many calories are burned while kayaking can help you plan your workout routine and track your progress.

The number of calories burned while kayaking depends on several factors, including your weight, the intensity of your workout, and the duration of your kayaking session.

On average, a person can burn between 375 and 476 calories per hour while kayaking. However, this number can vary depending on the individual and the conditions of their kayaking session.

One of the most significant factors that determine how many calories are burned while kayaking is the individual’s weight.

A person who weighs more will typically burn more calories than someone who weighs less while performing the same activity.

For example, a 185-pound person can burn around 298 calories in an hour of kayaking at a moderate intensity level, while a person who weighs 150 pounds would burn about 358 calories in the same amount of time.

Another factor that affects the number of calories burned while kayaking is the intensity of the workout.

A person who paddles at a moderate intensity level will burn fewer calories than someone who is paddling vigorously.

For example, a 180-pound person kayaking at a speed of 6 mph with a vigorous effort can burn up to 18 calories per minute, while the same person kayaking at a moderate effort would burn around 15 calories per minute.

Finally, the duration of the kayaking session also plays a role in the number of calories burned. A longer kayaking session will typically result in more calories burned than a shorter one.

For example, a 150-pound person kayaking for two hours at a moderate intensity level can burn approximately 716 calories.

In summary, kayaking can be an effective way to burn calories and stay active. Understanding the factors that affect the number of calories burned while kayaking can help you plan your workouts and achieve your fitness goals.

Factors Influencing Calories Burned in Kayaking

Kayaking is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise at the same time. It’s a low-impact activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels.

However, the number of calories burned during kayaking can vary depending on several factors.


One of the most significant factors that influence the number of calories burned during kayaking is a person’s weight.

A heavier person will burn more calories than a lighter person doing the same activity. According to a calorie calculator, a person who weighs 180 pounds can burn up to 428 calories in one hour of moderate effort kayaking.


The intensity of the kayaking activity also affects the number of calories burned.

A person who paddles faster and with more force will burn more calories than someone who paddles at a slower pace. The intensity level of kayaking is measured using a MET value.

A MET value of 5.0 is assigned to moderate effort kayaking. This means that a person doing moderate effort kayaking will burn 5 times more calories than they would at rest.


The duration of the kayaking activity is another factor that influences the number of calories burned.

The longer a person kayaks, the more calories they will burn. However, it’s important to note that the number of calories burned per minute decreases as the activity continues.

For example, a person who kayaks for 30 minutes will burn more calories per minute than someone who kayaks for 60 minutes.

In addition to these factors, other variables can also affect the number of calories burned during kayaking.

These include the water conditions, weather, and environmental factors. Colder weather can cause a person to burn more calories than they would in warmer weather.

The water conditions, such as waves or currents, can also increase the intensity of the kayaking activity and lead to more calories burned.

Overall, kayaking is an excellent way to burn calories and get some exercise. By considering factors such as weight, intensity, and duration, a person can get the most out of their kayaking workout.

Types of Kayaking and Calorie Burn

Kayaking is a popular water sport that can be done in various forms, from leisurely paddling on calm lakes to racing through rapids.

Each type of kayaking offers different levels of intensity, resulting in varying calorie burns.

Recreational Kayaking

Recreational kayaking is a relaxed form of kayaking that involves paddling in calm waters, such as lakes or slow-moving rivers.

This type of kayaking is ideal for beginners and those who want to enjoy a peaceful day on the water.

According to Paddle Camp, recreational kayaking can burn up to 300-400 calories per hour for a person weighing around 150 pounds.

Kayak Racing

Kayak racing involves paddling through a designated course as fast as possible. This type of kayaking is highly competitive and requires a high level of fitness and skill.

The intensity of kayak racing can result in burning a significant amount of calories. According to Fitness Volt, kayak racing can burn up to 500-600 calories per hour for a person weighing around 175 pounds.

Sea Kayaking

Sea kayaking involves paddling in the open sea or ocean, which can be more challenging due to the waves and currents.

This type of kayaking requires a higher level of skill and endurance. According to Kayak Help, sea kayaking can burn up to 400-500 calories per hour for a person weighing around 150 pounds.

Overall, the amount of calories burned during kayaking depends on various factors, such as the intensity of the activity, the weight of the person and the kayak, and the water conditions.

Regardless of the type of kayaking, it can be a fun and effective way to burn calories while enjoying the great outdoors.

How to Increase Calorie Burn While Kayaking

Kayaking is a great way to stay active and burn calories. However, there are ways to increase the calorie burn while kayaking.

Here are some tips to help increase the calorie burn during kayaking:

Increase Intensity

One of the easiest ways to increase calorie burn during kayaking is to increase the intensity of the workout.

This can be done by paddling faster or using a higher resistance paddle. By increasing the intensity, the body will work harder and burn more calories.

Longer Duration

Another way to increase calorie burn during kayaking is to increase the duration of the workout. By spending more time on the water, the body will have to work harder to maintain the paddling motion, resulting in more calories burned.

Incorporate Interval Training

Interval training is a great way to increase calorie burn during kayaking. This involves alternating between high-intensity paddling and low-intensity paddling.

By doing this, the body is forced to work harder during the high-intensity periods, resulting in more calories burned overall.

It is important to note that while increasing the intensity, duration, and incorporating interval training can increase calorie burn during kayaking, it is important to do so gradually.

Sudden increases in intensity or duration can lead to injury or burnout. It is also important to stay hydrated and take breaks as needed.

By following these tips, kayakers can increase their calorie burn and get the most out of their workout on the water.

Comparing Kayaking to Other Activities

Kayaking Vs. Running

Kayaking is a great way to burn calories while enjoying the outdoors. However, how does it compare to other popular activities like running?

According to a study by Harvard Health Publishing, a 155-pound person can burn approximately 372 calories in 30 minutes of running at a moderate pace of 5 mph.

In comparison, a 155-pound person can burn approximately 298 calories in 30 minutes of kayaking at a moderate intensity level.

While running may burn more calories in a shorter amount of time, kayaking offers a low-impact workout that is easier on the joints.

Kayaking Vs. Cycling

Cycling is another popular activity that many people turn to for exercise. How does kayaking compare to cycling in terms of calorie burn?

According to the American Council on Exercise, a 155-pound person can burn approximately 260 calories in 30 minutes of cycling at a moderate pace of 12-13.9 mph.

In comparison, a 155-pound person can burn approximately 149 calories in 30 minutes of kayaking at a moderate intensity level.

While cycling may burn more calories in a shorter amount of time, kayaking provides a unique upper body workout that cycling does not.

Kayaking Vs. Swimming

Swimming is a great low-impact workout that can burn a lot of calories. How does kayaking compare to swimming?

According to a study by Harvard Health Publishing, a 155-pound person can burn approximately 372 calories in 30 minutes of swimming laps at a moderate intensity level.

In comparison, a 155-pound person can burn approximately 149 calories in 30 minutes of kayaking at a moderate intensity level.

While swimming may burn more calories in a shorter amount of time, kayaking provides a unique outdoor experience that swimming does not.


Kayaking is a great way to enjoy the outdoors while getting a good workout. Based on the research, it is clear that kayaking can burn a significant amount of calories.

The number of calories burned during kayaking depends on various factors such as the paddler’s weight, the intensity of the activity, and the duration of the paddling session.

According to the Mayo Clinic, a person weighing 185 pounds can burn around 298 calories in an hour of kayaking at a moderate intensity level.

However, other sources suggest that the calorie burn can range from 286 to 716 calories per hour, depending on the paddler’s weight and the intensity of the activity.

A 120-pound paddler can burn 286 calories, while a 300-pound paddler can burn up to 716 calories during an hour of moderate kayaking.

It’s important to note that kayaking is not only a great calorie-burning exercise but also provides other health benefits such as improving cardiovascular fitness, strengthening muscles, and reducing stress levels.

Overall, kayaking is an excellent way to get a full-body workout while enjoying the beauty of nature.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced paddler, kayaking is a fun and challenging activity that can help you stay fit and healthy.

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