This is EXACTLY how many calories you burn Canoeing




does canoeing burn calories


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Canoeing can be a moderate to high-intensity cardiovascular exercise, depending on the intensity and duration of your paddling will determine how many calories you burn.

As a general estimate, a person who weighs around 150 pounds can burn between 240 and 295 calories per hour of canoeing at a moderate intensity, and up to 444 calories per hour at a vigorous intensity.

As a general estimate, a person who weighs around 150 pounds can burn between 240 and 295 calories per hour of canoeing at a moderate intensity, and up to 444 calories per hour at a vigorous intensity.

However, the number of calories burned can vary depending on several factors, including your weight, age, gender, and the intensity and duration of your canoeing activity.

It’s also important to note that the number of calories burned is only one aspect of the health benefits of canoeing.

Canoeing can also improve your cardiovascular fitness, strengthen your upper body muscles, and reduce stress.

Canoeing Calories burned calculator

Here is a simple calculator that you can use to estimate the number of calories burned while canoeing:

Calories burned = (duration of activity in hours) x (metabolic equivalent of task (MET) x body weight in kilograms)

To use the calculator, you’ll need to know the duration of your canoeing activity in hours, your body weight in kilograms, and the metabolic equivalent of task (MET) for canoeing. The MET for canoeing is typically around 5.5 for a moderate intensity activity and 8.0 for a vigorous intensity activity.

Here’s an example of how to use the calculator:

  1. Convert your weight from pounds to kilograms. To do this, divide your weight in pounds by 2.2. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, your weight in kilograms would be 68.18 (150/2.2).
  2. Determine the MET value for your activity. If you were canoeing at a moderate intensity, you would use a MET value of 5.5. If you were canoeing at a vigorous intensity, you would use a MET value of 8.0.
  3. Calculate the number of calories burned. Using the example above, if you weighed 150 pounds and were canoeing at a moderate intensity for 1 hour, you would burn around 381 calories (1 x 5.5 x 68.18).

It’s important to note that the number of calories burned is only an estimate and can vary based on individual factors such as age, gender, and overall health. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice on calorie burning and weight loss.

Does white water canoeing burn more calories?

White water canoeing is generally a more physically demanding activity compared to flatwater canoeing, as it requires more strength and endurance to navigate through rough and turbulent water. As a result, white water canoeing may burn more calories than flatwater canoeing.

Can you lose weight canoeing?

Canoeing can be a good way to lose weight, as it can help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular fitness.To lose weight, it’s important to burn more calories than you consume through your diet. In addition to canoeing, it can be helpful to engage in other physical activities and make healthy lifestyle choices, such as eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep.

Does canoeing work abs?

Canoeing can engage and strengthen the muscles in your core, including your abs. While paddling, your abs are engaged as you twist and rotate your torso to reach for the paddle. Your core muscles are also engaged as you maintain good posture and stability in the canoe.

How many calories burned kayaking 2 miles?

As a rough estimate, a person who weighs around 150 pounds can burn between 240 and 295 calories per hour of kayaking at a moderate intensity, and up to 444 calories per hour at a vigorous intensity.
To determine the number of calories burned kayaking 2 miles, you can use the following formula:
Calories burned = (duration of activity in hours) x (calories burned per hour)
For example, if it takes you 1 hour to kayak 2 miles at a moderate intensity, and you weigh 150 pounds, you can estimate that you burned around 240-295 calories.

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